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elizabeth taylor中文是什么意思

用"elizabeth taylor"造句"elizabeth taylor"怎么读"elizabeth taylor" in a sentence


  • 依丽莎白
  • 伊莉沙伯・泰莱
  • 伊丽莎白泰勒


  • Hello . i ' m elizabeth taylor . what do we have here
  • Raised in a dismal charity school , her only friend is helen ( elizabeth taylor )
    她在阴阴沉沉的慈善学校里长大,唯?的朋友叫海伦(伊丽莎白?泰勒扮演) 。
  • Barbara walters : when you hear people saying , “ elizabeth taylor , now she ' s a 1 ) legend
    芭芭拉?沃尔特:你有没有听人们说: “伊丽莎白?泰勒,她现在是一个传奇人物。 ”
  • Great - niece of conrad hilton jr . , whose first and second wives were elizabeth taylor and patricia mcclintock
    Hilton jr .的侄孙女,第一个和第二个妻子是伊丽莎白?泰勒和patricia mcclintock 。
  • The self - appointed fashion guru ' s lists are a hollywood tradition . over the years they have poked fun at everyone from queen elizabeth to elizabeth taylor
  • The most expensive eyes : one million dollars elizabeth taylor ' s eyes had been twice oscar ' s elizabeth taylor a pair of america laguna purple eyes , the perception that ” the kingdom and city
    曾经获得两次奥斯卡金像奖的伊丽莎白?勒有一双美丽的紫色眼睛,被人们认为“倾国倾城” 。
  • He described her on tuesday as going from " princess of pop to the ultimate fashion flop . " the self - appointed fashion guru ' s lists are a hollywood tradition . over the years they have poked fun at everyone from queen elizabeth to elizabeth taylor
    在过去的5年里,布兰妮都不幸地成为布莱克韦尔名单上的常客,布莱克韦尔尖锐地将她描述成“从流行乐的公主到时尚界的败笔” 。
  • Playhouse 90 : around the world in 90 minutes ( excerpts ) : elizabeth taylor hosts this live october 17 , 1957 telecast of the a star - studded gala from madison square garden celebrating the one - year anniversary of around the world in 80 days ' world premiere
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